Make a Gift in Honour of a Loved One

Make a donation to Chinook in memory

Your gift in memory of a loved one is a wonderful way to celebrate their life.

Your in-memory donation goes toward innovations in surgery, imaging, medicine, and many other healthcare areas. You may even choose to designate your donation to the area of care that your loved one received.

When you make a memorial donation to Chinook, you immediately create a Caring Hearts fund in the name of your loved one. You may also choose to send a card in sympathy to family, notifying them of your donation.

Your gift will honour your loved one’s memory by working to advance the quality of care right here at home. What a lasting legacy to leave!
Give a Gift in Memory

Make a donation to Chinook in honour

Make a gift that celebrates a special occasion for a friend, colleague, or loved one. Making a lasting gift to make to recognize a milestone in someone’s life is a wonderful way to honour them and their achievement.
Give a Gift in Honour

Mark the day with a celebration of caring through a gift to Chinook Regional Hospital Foundation.

Review CRHF GIft Acceptance Policy




Care from the Heart Day 2025 a Success!

The Chinook Regional Hospital Foundation Wraps Another Hugely Successful Annual Care from the Heart Radio-a-thon - your Generosity is Transforming Healthcare in Lethbridge!

Lethbridge, AB – February 14, 2024
Thanks to your kindness and generosity, $473,804.29 has been raised, far surpassing our goal of $400,000!
"Your support ensures that our hospital has the tools and resources needed to provide the best possible care for our community. Thank you for making a lasting difference!"
– Crystal Elliott, Chief Executive Officer

Cardiac Gala Raises $644,000 to Bring Hearts Closer to Home

Lethbridge, AB - February 3, 2025 -

The Cardiac Sciences Advisory Cabinet, in partnership with the Chinook Regional Hospital Foundation, is thrilled to announce that the Bringing Hearts Home Cardiac Gala, held on Saturday, February 1, has raised an astounding $644,000 - exceeding all expectations!

Click here for more!

Charitable Donations Extension | February 28th, 2025

Recently the Government of Canada announced plans to amend the Income Tax Act - this amendment will extend the deadline for tax-deductible donations for the 2024 tax year to February 28, 2025.

This change aims to help donors affected by the four-week Canada Post mail stoppage, ensuring their contributions are processed in time and supporting charities in providing essential services to their communities.

For more check out the following resource:

The Chinook Regional Hospital Foundation is the leading philanthropic partner for Chinook Regional Hospital and surrounding healthcare facilities. With the support of generous donors, we drive innovation and fund state-of-the-art equipment.