Make a Gift in Honour of a Loved One

Make a donation to Chinook in memory

Your gift in memory of a loved one is a wonderful way to celebrate their life.

Your in-memory donation goes toward innovations in surgery, imaging, medicine, and many other healthcare areas. You may even choose to designate your donation to the area of care that your loved one received.

When you make a memorial donation to Chinook, you immediately create a Caring Hearts fund in the name of your loved one. You may also choose to send a card in sympathy to family, notifying them of your donation.

Your gift will honour your loved one’s memory by working to advance the quality of care right here at home. What a lasting legacy to leave!
Give a Gift in Memory

Make a donation to Chinook in honour

Make a gift that celebrates a special occasion for a friend, colleague, or loved one. Making a lasting gift to make to recognize a milestone in someone’s life is a wonderful way to honour them and their achievement.
Give a Gift in Honour

Mark the day with a celebration of caring through a gift to Chinook Regional Hospital Foundation.

Review CRHF GIft Acceptance Policy




Truth & Reconciliation Day

Today, we pause today to reflect on the profound signifigance of Truth and Reconcialition Day.

We honor and remember the Indigenous children who were lost, those who survived, and their families for which there is a lasting impact to this day.

This orange jersey, emblazoned with the words Every Child Matters, stands as a symbol of hope, remembrance, awareness, and committment to a present and future where Indigenous voices are heard and honored.

30th Annual Christmas Tree Festival

The 30th Annual Chinook Regional Hospital Foundation’s Christmas Tree Festival is coming!

Presented by Stringam Law LLP!

Join us from November 17th to 20th for the annual four-day Festival, where the Arena will be transformed into a whimsical winter wonderland featuring beautifully decorated trees, festive activities, and a glitzy Gala.

2024 Truck Raffle Winner Announced!


Thank you to each and every person who purchased tickets <3

We appreciate the community effort we've seen every year to make this raffle a success!

The purpose of the CRHF is to raise, receive, and distribute funds for equipment and programs that will enhance patient services and health programs in our community!