The Foundation
The Chinook Regional Hospital Foundation
Latest News
June 7, 2024
We want to take this opportunity to remind men everywhere to take care of themselves, body and mind!
It's not a surprise to most people that a large population of us tend to put health issues at the bottom of the priority list - but with awareness and a whole lot of reminders just maybe that can change!
Even small actions can have a big impact in preventing many chronic diseases - such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and even some types of cancer.
For more check out:
Don't Change Much – Easy Health Tips For Guys (
Lights of Hope | Help us light up the atrium this month!
(December 1st - December 31st)
The holiday season is a time for reflection and gratitude. It's an opportunity to cherish those who make a difference in our lives - whether it's loved ones, friends, or the healthcare workers who go above and beyond during this time of year when most of us are able to take a break.
Through our Lights of Hope campaign, YOU have the chance to honor someone special in your life while making a meaningful impact.
Donations big or small, we appreciate them all!
Click here to donate to Lights of Hope..
This year on Giving Tuesday we wanted to spotlight one of our donors, Rhonda Fletcher
Longtime supporters of the CRH Foundation, we spoke to Rhonda about her family's first-hand experience and the importance of giving back.
"We've had family members and many friends who have needed the support of the CRH for physical and mental health and if it wasn't for the foundation and the hospital, they wouldn't be here today."
As an Analyst for AHS, Rhonda has worked in the healthcare world for many years and is an incredible advocate for mental health and patient care which is why each year the A & M Fletcher Family Fund donates to support the in-patient psychiatry unit at Chinook Regional Hospital, including funding renovations, equipment, as well as patient needs.
To read more - click here!